Good Dude Awards
entry Rules
1. Nominate a buddy with the form on this page. Please include your and his/her full name and email address’.
2. Tell us why they're a Good Dude. In this field, please include your Instagram handles.
5. We’ll do the rest! Make sure to check out the Instagram @cargoease from time to time for updates on the contest.
Contest open to Canadian residents ONLY. Excluding Québec. For full contest rules in all their legal glory, you can read them here ('here' is a link to the rules).
Who are we looking to award as the 2023 good dude?
A person who works hard, is generous, puts other before themselves and could really use this Cargo Ease and Action Car and Truck accessories prize pack.

Prize Pack Inlcudes
- Enthuze Rechargeable Work Lamp
- Armor All Car (truck) Care Kit
- Cargo Ease Hybrid Truck Slide
- $250 Action Car and Truck Gift Card
- TOTAL Prize Pack Value = $2,225 !!!